Which Medical Plan is Right?

You have a choice of medical plan options to help you and your family take charge of your health care and find the right fit. These plans have different copayments, coinsurance, deductibles, and out-of-pocket limits.

Evaluate Your Needs. Consider your prior health care usage and select plans and options that fit your lifestyle and needs.

· Do you take regular prescription medications?

· Are you anticipating surgery or non-preventive dental care?

· Did you experience a qualifying life event this year?

· Review your current plans to ensure you have the coverage you need.

Review this benefits website to learn about your new and existing plan options.

A little bit of planning will help you select the best plans, coverage levels, and financial programs for your unique situation.

Medical Plan Comparison - HMO

Signature Value Advantage HMO Signature Value HMO Signature Value Alliance HMO (2J4)
Provider network SignatureValue Advantage HMO Signature Value HMO SignatureValue Alliance HMO
Annual Medical Deductible (calendar year)
(Individual/Family) None None $500/$1,000
Annual Out-of-Pocket Limit (calendar year)
(Individual / Family) $2,000/$4,000 $2,000/$4,000 $3,000/$6,000
Office Visit
Annual Preventative Visit $0 $0 $0
Primary Care Physician $20 $20 $25
Specialist $40 $40 $50
Urgent Care (Within Area*) $20 $20 $25
Urgent Care (Outside Area**) $50 $50 $50
Virtual Care Services*** $0 $0 $0
Diagnostic Services
Routine Lab & X-Ray $20 $20 $25
Complex Imaging $150 $150 $150
Hospital Services
Inpatient Stays $500 Per Admission $500 Per Admission 20% coinsurance after deductible
Outpatient Surgery $125 $125 20% coinsurance after deductible
Emergency Room (Waived if admitted) $250 $250 $250
Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Inpatient $500 Copay $500 Copay 20% coinsurance after deductible
Outpatient $40 Copay $40 Copay $50 Copay
Chiropractic Services
20 Visits Per Year $15 $15 $20

*Urgent care services provided within the geographic area served by your medical group. Please consult your physician website or office for available urgent care facilities within the area served by your medical group.
**Urgent care services provided outside of the geographic area served by your medical group.
***Benefits are available only when services are delivered through a Designated Virtual Network Provider. You can find a Designated Virtual Visit Network Provider by contacting United Healthcare at myuhc.com or by calling the number on the back on your ID card.

How to Find a Doctor - HMO Plans

CA SignatureValue Advantage HMO – https://www.whyuhc.com/casvadvantage

CA SignatureValue HMO –  https://www.whyuhc.com/casignaturevalue

CA SignatureValue Alliance HMO – https://www.whyuhc.com/casvalliance

Medical Plan Comparison - PPO

Select Plus PPO Low Select Plus PPO High Select Plus PPO HDHP/HSA
Provider network Select Plus Select Plus Select Plus
Annual Medical Deductible (calendar year)
(Individual/Family) $1,000/$2,000 $2,000/$4,000 $3,200/$6,400
Coinsurance 20% 20% 20%
Annual Out-of-Pocket Limit (calendar year)
(Individual / Family) $3,500/$7,000 $5,000/$10,000 $5,000/$10,000
Office Visit
Annual Preventative Visit $0 $0 $0
Primary Care Physician $25 $30 20% after deductible
Specialist $50 $60 20% after deductible
Urgent Care $50 $50 20% after deductible
Virtual Care Services* $0 $0 $0
Diagnostic Services
Routine Lab & X-Ray 20% 20% after deductible 20% after deductible
Complex Imaging 20% after deductible 20% after deductible 20% after deductible
Hospital Services
Inpatient Stays 20% after deductible 20% after deductible 20% after deductible
Outpatient Surgery 20% after deductible 20% after deductible 20% after deductible
Emergency Room 20% after deductible 20% after deductible 20% after deductible
Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Inpatient 20% after deductible 20% after deductible 20% after deductible
Outpatient $25 Copay $30 Copay 20% after deductible
Chiropractic Services
20 Visits Per Year $25 Copay $30 Copay 20% after deductible

*Benefits are available only when services are delivered through a Designated Virtual Network Provider. You can find a Designated Virtual Visit Network Provider by contacting United Healthcare at myuhc.com or by calling the number on the back on your ID card.

How to Find a Doctor - PPO Plans

Select Plus HDHP HSA – https://www.whyuhc.com/selectplushsa

Signature Value Advantage HMO (TEJ)
Signature Value HMO (TDF)
Signature Value Alliance HMO (2J4)
Summary of Benefits Coverage – Signature Value Advantage HMO
Summary of benefits Coverage – Signature Value HMO
Summary of Benefits Coverage – Signature Value Alliance HMO
Select Plus PPO Low
Select Plus PPO High
Select Plus PPO HDHP HSA
Summary of Benefits Coverage – PPO Low
Summary of Benefits Coverage – PPO High
Summary of Benefits Coverage – PPO HDHP/HSA

Watch: High Deductible Plan with HSA