Vision Coverage

Keep your vision clear with regular eye exams.

With your Vision Preferred Provider Organization Plan, you can:

  • Go to any licensed vision specialist and receive coverage. Just remember, your benefit dollars go further when you stay in-network
  • Choose from a large network of ophthalmologists, optometrists and opticians, from private practices to retailers like Costco Optical, Walmart, Sam’s Club and Visionworks
Vision Care Services Member Cost/Benefit
Member Out-of-Network Reimbursement
Provider Network VSP
Eye health exam, prescription and refraction for glasses $10 Copay Up to $45
Retinal Imaging Up to $39 Copay
Frames and Lenses $25 Copay
Standard Corrective Lenses Single vision
Lined bifocal
Lined trifocal
Up to $30
Up to $50
Up to $65
Up to $100
Frames $150 Allowance Up to $70
Contact Lenses (instead of eyeglasses)
Contact fitting and evaluation $60 Copay (Max)
Elective lenses $150 allowance Up to $105
Necessary Lenses $25 Copay Up to $210
Frequency In-Network Out-of-Network
Eye exam Once every 12 months Once every 12 months
Lenses or Contact Lenses Once every 12 months Once every 12 months
Frames Once every 24 months Once every 24 months
Vision Plan Summary

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